Migrating from a legacy system
When you migrate to Evergreen, you generally want to migrate the bibliographic records and copy information that existed in your previous library system. For anything more than a few thousand records, you should import the data directly into the database rather than use the tools in the staff client. While the data that you can extract from your legacy system varies widely, this section assumes that you or members of your team have the ability to write scripts and are comfortable working with SQL to manipulate data within PostgreSQL. If so, then the following section will guide you towards a method of generating common data formats so that you can then load the data into the database in bulk.
Making electronic resources visible in the catalog
Electronic resources generally do not have any call number or copy information associated with them, and Evergreen enables you to easily make bibliographic records visible in the public catalog within sections of the organizational unit hierarchy. For example, you can make a set of bibliographic records visible only to specific branches that have purchased licenses for the corresponding resources, or you can make records representing publicly available electronic resources visible to the entire consortium.
Therefore, to make a record visible in the public catalog, modify the records using your preferred MARC editing approach to ensure the 856 field contains the following information before loading records for electronic resources into Evergreen:
Attribute | Value | Note |
Indicator 1 | 4 |
Indicator 2 | 0 or 1 |
Subfield u | URL for the electronic resource |
Subfield y | Text content of the link |
Subfield z | Public note |
Normally displayed after the link |
Subfield 9 | Organizational unit short name |
The record will be visible when a search is performed specifying this organizational unit or one of its children. You can repeat this subfield as many times as you need. |
Once your electronic resource bibliographic records have the required indicators and subfields for each 856 field in the record, you can proceed to load the records using either the command-line bulk import method or the MARC Batch Importer in the staff client.
Migrating your bibliographic records
Convert your MARC21 binary records into the MARCXML format, with one record per line. You can use the following Python script to achieve this goal; just install the pymarc library first, and adjust the values of the input and output variables as needed.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs import pymarc input = 'records_in.mrc' output = 'records_out.xml' reader = pymarc.MARCReader(open(input, 'rb'), to_unicode=True) writer = codecs.open(output, 'w', 'utf-8') for record in reader: record.leader = record.leader[:9] + 'a' + record.leader[10:] writer.write(pymarc.record_to_xml(record) + "\n")
Once you have a MARCXML file with one record per line, you can load the records into your Evergreen system via a staging table in your database.
- Connect to the PostgreSQL database using the psql command. For example:
psql -U <user-name> -h <hostname> -d <database>
- Create a staging table in the database. The staging table is a temporary location for the raw data that you will load into the production table or tables. Issue the following SQL statement from the psql command line, adjusting the name of the table from staging_records_import, if desired:
CREATE TABLE staging_records_import (id BIGSERIAL, dest BIGINT, marc TEXT);
- Create a function that will insert the new records into the production table and update the dest column of the staging table. Adjust "staging_records_import" to match the name of the staging table that you plan to create when you issue the following SQL statement:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION staging_importer() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE stage RECORD; BEGIN FOR stage IN SELECT * FROM staging_records_import ORDER BY id LOOP INSERT INTO biblio.record_entry (marc, last_xact_id) VALUES (stage.marc, 'IMPORT'); UPDATE staging_records_import SET dest = currval('biblio.record_entry_id_seq') WHERE id = stage.id; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- Load the data from your MARCXML file into the staging table using the COPY statement, adjusting for the name of the staging table and the location of your MARCXML file:
COPY staging_records_import (marc) FROM '/tmp/records_out.xml';
- Load the data from your staging table into the production table by invoking your staging function:
SELECT staging_importer();
Once you have loaded the records into your Evergreen system, you can search for some known records using the staff client to confirm that the import was successful.
Migrating your call numbers, copies, and parts
Holdings, comprised of call numbers, copies, and parts, are the set of objects that enable users to locate and potentially acquire materials from your library system.
Call numbers connect libraries to bibliographic records. Each call number has a label associated with a classification scheme such as a the Library of Congress or Dewey Decimal systems, and can optionally have either or both a label prefix and a label suffix. Label prefixes and suffixes do not affect the sort order of the label.
Copies connect call numbers to particular instances of that resource at a particular library. Each copy has a barcode and must exist in a particular copy location. Other optional attributes of copies include circulation modifier, which may affect whether that copy can circulate or for how long it can circulate, and OPAC visibility, which controls whether that particular copy should be visible in the public catalog.
Parts provide more granularity for copies, primarily to enable patrons to place holds on individual parts of a set of items. For example, an encyclopedia might be represented by a single bibliographic record, with a single call number representing the label for that encyclopedia at a given library, with 26 copies representing each letter of the alphabet, with each copy mapped to a different part such as A, B, C, ... Z.
To migrate this data into your Evergreen system, you will create another staging table in the database to hold the raw data for your materials from which the actual call numbers, copies, and parts will be generated.
Begin by connecting to the PostgreSQL database using the psql command. For example:
psql -U <user-name> -h <hostname> -d <database>
Create the staging materials table by issuing the following SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE staging_materials ( bibkey BIGINT, -- biblio.record_entry_id callnum TEXT, -- call number label callnum_prefix TEXT, -- call number prefix callnum_suffix TEXT, -- call number suffix callnum_class TEXT, -- classification scheme create_date DATE, location TEXT, -- shelving location code item_type TEXT, -- circulation modifier code owning_lib TEXT, -- org unit code barcode TEXT, -- copy barcode part TEXT );
For the purposes of this example migration of call numbers, copies, and parts, we assume that you are able to create a tab-delimited file containing values that map to the staging table properties, with one copy per line. For example, the following 5 lines demonstrate how the file could look for 5 different copies, with non-applicable attribute values represented by \N, and 3 of the copies connected to a single call number and bibliographic record via parts:
1 QA 76.76 A3 \N \N LC 2012-12-05 STACKS BOOK BR1 30007001122620 \N 2 GV 161 V8 Ref. Juv. LC 2010-11-11 KIDS DVD BR2 30007005197073 \N 3 AE 5 E363 1984 \N \N LC 1984-01-10 REFERENCE BOOK BR1 30007006853385 A 3 AE 5 E363 1984 \N \N LC 1984-01-10 REFERENCE BOOK BR1 30007006853393 B 3 AE 5 E363 1984 \N \N LC 1984-01-10 REFERENCE BOOK BR1 30007006853344 C
Once your holdings are in a tab-delimited format--which, for the purposes of this example, we will name holdings.tsv--you can import the holdings file into your staging table. Copy the contents of the holdings file into the staging table using the COPY SQL statement:
COPY staging_items (bibkey, callnum, callnum_prefix, callnum_suffix, callnum_class, create_date, location, item_type, owning_lib, barcode, part) FROM 'holdings.tsv';
Generate the copy locations you need to represent your holdings:
INSERT INTO asset.copy_location (name, owning_lib) SELECT DISTINCT location, 1 FROM staging_materials WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM asset.copy_location WHERE name = location );
Generate the circulation modifiers you need to represent your holdings:
INSERT INTO config.circ_modifier (code, name, description, sip2_media_type) SELECT DISTINCT circmod, circmod, circmod, '001' FROM staging_materials WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE circmod = code );
Generate the call number prefixes and suffixes you need to represent your holdings:
INSERT INTO asset.call_number_prefix (owning_lib, label) SELECT DISTINCT aou.id, callnum_prefix FROM staging_materials sm INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON aou.shortname = sm.owning_lib WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM asset.call_number_prefix acnp WHERE callnum_prefix = acnp.label AND aou.id = acnp.owning_lib ) AND callnum_prefix IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO asset.call_number_suffix (owning_lib, label) SELECT DISTINCT aou.id, callnum_suffix FROM staging_materials sm INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON aou.shortname = sm.owning_lib WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM asset.call_number_suffix acns WHERE callnum_suffix = acns.label AND aou.id = acns.owning_lib ) AND callnum_suffix IS NOT NULL;
Generate the call numbers for your holdings:
INSERT INTO asset.call_number ( creator, editor, record, owning_lib, label, prefix, suffix, label_class ) SELECT DISTINCT 1, 1, bibkey, aou.id, callnum, acnp.id, acns.id, CASE WHEN callnum_class = 'LC' THEN 1 WHEN callnum_class = 'DEWEY' THEN 2 END FROM staging_materials sm INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON aou.shortname = owning_lib INNER JOIN asset.call_number_prefix acnp ON COALESCE(acnp.label, '') = COALESCE(callnum_prefix, '') INNER JOIN asset.call_number_suffix acns ON COALESCE(acns.label, '') = COALESCE(callnum_suffix, '') ;
Generate the copies for your holdings:
INSERT INTO asset.copy ( circ_lib, creator, editor, call_number, location, loan_duration, fine_level, barcode ) SELECT DISTINCT aou.id, 1, 1, acn.id, acl.id, 2, 2, barcode FROM staging_materials sm INNER JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON aou.shortname = sm.owning_lib INNER JOIN asset.copy_location acl ON acl.name = sm.location INNER JOIN asset.call_number acn ON acn.label = sm.callnum WHERE acn.deleted IS FALSE ;
Generate the parts for your holdings. First, create the set of parts that are required for each record based on your staging materials table:
INSERT INTO biblio.monograph_part (record, label) SELECT DISTINCT bibkey, part FROM staging_materials sm WHERE part IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM biblio.monograph_part bmp WHERE sm.part = bmp.label AND sm.bibkey = bmp.record );
Now map the parts for each record to the specific copies that you added:
INSERT INTO asset.copy_part_map (target_copy, part) SELECT DISTINCT acp.id, bmp.id FROM staging_materials sm INNER JOIN asset.copy acp ON acp.barcode = sm.barcode INNER JOIN biblio.monograph_part bmp ON bmp.record = sm.bibkey WHERE part IS NOT NULL AND part = bmp.label AND acp.deleted IS FALSE AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM asset.copy_part_map WHERE target_copy = acp.id AND part = bmp.id );
At this point, you have loaded your bibliographic records, call numbers, call number prefixes and suffixes, copies, and parts, and your records should be visible to searches in the public catalog within the appropriate organization unit scope.