
Introduction to Positionning 

Every new object is placed at a higher level of z-order. It is impossible to have two or more objects at the same level. If there is a need to change the stack, use some Object menu entries or Selector Tool F1 options.

If layers are defined, the stack changes occur in the layer.

When the Selector Tool F1 is on, this option appears in the Tool Controls bar.


Raise to Top

Raise to top  (Home) command puts any selected object at the top, above all other objects in the drawing.

SVG places any newly created object at top. However it is impossible to have 2 objects at the same stack-level. Some shapes or paths may be masked by these new objects.


Lower to Bottom

Lower to Bottom puts all selected objects at the bottom, below all other objects of the drawing.



The Raise  (PgUp)  command changes the stack of any selected object so that its z-order is just changed by one level and goes over only one other.



The Lower (PgDn) command changes the stack of any selected object so that its z-order is just changed by one level and goes below one other.
