Signature switch is an add-on that allows you to apply different types of signatures for different purposes. For example, you can create a signature named Work with your full name, office address, and fax number; or a signature named Personal with just Cheers! as a sign-off.
Download the add-on
Download the Signature Switch add-on by using the Add-ons Manager (Tools > Add-ons). See the chapter Using the Add-On Manager if you don't know how to download and install add-ons.
Once you've installed the Signature Switch add-on, you need to create one or more signatures to use with it. Here's how to do it.
Create a new signature
To create a new signature:
- Click Write to compose a new email.
- On the Options toolbar, select Signature Switch > Options.
- Click New to create a new signature.
- Type a description of your new signature -- for example, Work or Personal.
- Select the directory path on your computer to your signature file. In Signature Switch, all signatures must be in a separate text or HTML files.
- In the AutoSwitch section of the Signature Switch configuration dialog, enter your email address and click Add.
When you add an email address in this dialog, that signature inserts automatically when you're using that account. You can also specify the signatures that you use when posting to newsgroups and mailing lists in the same way. This step is optional.
- Click OK. The description of your signature appears in the first dialog. Click OK again to close the dialog.
Adding a signature to an email message
To add a signature to an email message:
- In the Options toolbar, select Signature Switch.
- Select one of your signature descriptions.
Your signature appears at the bottom of your email message.