E-mailing a Write Document
When you have finished writing and editing a letter in Write, you can transfer it to e-mail.
To do this, begin by opening the Write Activity and composing your letter. When you finish writing it, click the Edit tab at the top of the page. Select the Copy icon (the third from the left at the top) and click it. Then open the Browser and go to your e-mail account. Start a new message. Press ctrl + v to paste the text from Write to your e-mail message. Once you paste, the e-mail contains the letter you wrote in Write.
Attaching Photos
If you would like to attach a photo from the Record Activity to your e-mail, you can do that too. Your e-mail should have something that says "Attach files" or something similar. Select it. It offers you the opportunity to "Browse" (they are referring to looking for the photo, not to the Browse Activity). Click that. It opens the Journal page for you. Select the photo you want and click on it. Then click "Attach". It is then ready to send with your e-mail.