Oscillator ugens
Basic Oscillators
simple ramp generator ( 0 to 1 ) this can be fed into other oscillators ( with sync mode of 2 ) as a phase control. see examples/sixty.ck for an example
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth
- .width (float, READ/WRITE) set duration of the ramp in each cycle. (default 1.0)
sine wave oscillator
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth
SinOsc s => dac; 440 => s.freq; 1::second => now;
see examples/osc.ck
pulse oscillators a pulse wave oscillator with variable width.
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth
- .width (float, WRITE) length of duty cycle (0 - 1)
sawtooth wave oscillator ( triangle, width forced to 0.0 or 1.0 )
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth .width (float, READ/WRITE) increasing ( w 0.5 ) or decreasing ( w 0.5 )
triangle wave oscillator- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth
- .width (float, READ/WRITE) control midpoint of triangle (0 - 1)
square wave oscillator
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .sfreq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz), phase-matched
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .sync (int, READ/WRITE) (0) sync frequency to input, (1) sync phase to input, (2) fm synth
- .width (float, WRITE) fixed duty cycle of 0.5
Band Limited Oscillators
band limited impulse train oscillator
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .harmonics (int, READ/WRITE) number of harmonics
see examples/impulse_example.ck
band limited sawtooth wave oscillator
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .harmonics (int, READ/WRITE) number of harmonics
band limited square wave oscillator
- .freq (float, READ/WRITE) oscillator frequency (Hz)
- .phase (float, READ/WRITE) current phase
- .harmonics (int, READ/WRITE) number of harmonics
Noise Sources
white noise generator
See examples/noise.ck examples/powerup.ck
STK sub-sampled noise generator.
- .rate (int, READ/WRITE) subsampling rate in samples
see examples/ugen/SubNoise.txt
Modulation Sources
STK periodic/random modulator. Generates modultion signals to affect other UGens (for example the basic oscillators using a sync value of 2)
- .vibratoRate (float, READ/WRITE) set rate of vibrato
- .vibratoGain (float, READ/WRITE) gain for vibrato
- .randomGain (float, READ/WRITE) gain for random contribution