UpStage v2.1 User Manual

/ Commands

When you are on stage, there are a number of commands you can type into the text field to do certain things:


/a 1, /a 2 etc

displays a different frame of an animated or multiframe avatar

/a 0

animates a multiframe or animated avatar


/asize followed by a number will adjust the size of the audience text in your chat window (note – this only affects your own screen; the text size will not adjust for the audience or other players); the default size is 4. Audience can also use this command to adjust the size of font in their browser.

/b 1, /b 2  etc

displays a different frame of a multiframe backdrop

/b 0

animates a multiframe backdrop


lists the usernames of all players and the number of audience members who are present on that particular stage.


gives you a list of some of these commands


shows information about UpStage including which version of the software you are using


allows you to change the name of the avatar you are holding – type /nick newname


provides information about the dual GPL and Creative Commons license


/psize followed by a number will adjust the size of the player text in your chat window  (note – this only affects your own screen, the text size will not adjust for the audience or other players); the default size is 4. Audience can also use this command to adjust the size of font in their browser.

/whisper or /wh

allows you to communicate with other players without the audience being aware; the whisper command is explained in Section 1.5


typing : before your text will give you a silent thought bubble, rather than a speech bubble and spoken text. The text is blue in the chat window


typing ! before your text will make your avatar shout. The speech bubble outline and the chat text is red.