GCI Melange

Student Work Period

Once the contest begins, Students can start claiming tasks and working with the Mentoring Organizations directly. This chapter describes the Contest Administrator's duties during this period.


Viewing and Verifying Student Forms 

As soon as the Google Code-in contest begins Students can start filling in their Profiles in Melange. This includes submitting their Parental Consent and Proof of Student Enrollment forms. The Contest Administrator must individually review each form and manually verify it. 

Access Student forms

Admin Dashboard -> Participants -> List students 

It will take a few minutes for all of the Student information to load (it loads every student with a profile in all contest years).


Downloading and Verifying forms

Hold down the "Command" key and click anywhere on the line of the Student forms you'd like to download from the list of student.  A new tab is opened with the Student's profile. From there you can see the Student's entire profile with the Student forms at the top. Download each form to your desktop and view them.  If they are correct, go back to the Student's profile page and drag the slider bar for the appropriate form to "verified."


If the form is incorrect you will have to contact the Student directly using the email in their "Contact Info" further down the page.

Note: You will have to reload the Participating Students list to see any updates to the forms that you have Verified.  

Checking to see if Students have uploaded new forms 

After the Contest Administrator has sent an email (outside of Melange) to the Student describing how to fix their forms, the Contest Administrator will want to continue checking the forms every 2-5 days (every day during the first week of the contest). To view which Student Profiles (including forms) have been updated the most recently, go to Admin Dashboard -> Participants -> List students and then add the "Last Modified On" column to the list view and sort by date. Contest Administrators can then see the most recent Student Profile changes and can open those Student Profiles following the process above to view Student forms.

At the bottom of the page, you'll see a Columns button that you can click to view all of the available columns of information for Students. To add that column to your view (for example "date" or "country", click on the "+" button next to the field you'd like to move into your view.  If you would like to hide a column click on the "-" next to the field.  To move the order of the viewable columns click on the name of the column you'd like to reorder and drag it to the top or your desired location. Click Ok. 

To sort alphabetically or by highest to lowest click directly on the title of the column. 

Exporting Information to a Spreadsheet

To export all of the Student information to a spreadsheet:

CSV Export button at top right -> Select All -> Copy -> Open LibreOffice (or other text editor of your choice) ->Spreadsheet -> Paste -> (Make sure Tab and Comma are both checked) -> OK   

Viewing Organization Tasks

Contest Administrators will need to keep an eye on the Mentoring Organizations and verify there are enough tasks available at any given time for Students to work on. This is also a view that the public can see too.

Home -> Mentoring Organizations ->click on the name of each Mentoring Organization 

You can view the "Open Tasks" and the number of "Closed Tasks" further down the page.