
Create a Free Audio Podcast

It is possible to create an audio podcast with a free Wordpress.com account. To do this you will first need to upload an audio file to a webserver or to a service that enables you to store media files (e.g. Archive.org or Blip.tv). However you must know the full or direct link (URL) to that file.

When you have uploaded your file, you need find a direct link to your mp3 file. 

Now start a new post on Wordpress,  enter a Title and some text for the post. Then we need to create a link to the audio file in the post.


Select some text and click on the part of the tool bar that looks like a chain.  

You are presented with a window for pasting in the URL of the mp3 file. Put the link details in the "LINK/URL" field.


Now click on "Insert", then then return to your post and your link should have appeared in the text.

Click on "Publish" on the right of the screen. 
